Star Force Origin Series Box Set 3740 Star Force Universe Book 10 eBook Aerki Jyr

The Origin Series is empire building at its finest, with 100 episodes and over 2.5 million words in the military science fiction serial detailing the rise of Star Force from corporate entity into an interstellar empire over the course of more than a millennium.
Follow a core group of characters known as the Trailblazers as they use alien technology and knowledge discovered in Antarctic ruins to obtain limited immortality and lead Humanity out into the galaxy, encountering, befriending, and fighting hundreds of alien races all the while desperately trying to prepare Earth for the unbeatable threat at the core of the Milky Way that is destined to return and reclaim their lost colony…and their former Human slaves.
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Star Force Origin Series Box Set 3740 Star Force Universe Book 10 eBook Aerki Jyr
Need a online index of all the alien races! One two three four five six seven eight nine ten too bad this isn't excel.Product details

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Star Force Origin Series Box Set 3740 Star Force Universe Book 10 eBook Aerki Jyr Reviews
As an Author, if you go out of the way to paint an Enemy civilization as uncompromising and even it's civilian population as suicidally willing to commit Total War, then you cannot damn those defending themselves for taking the actions necessary to remove that threat. Especially not to paint your novel's Hero's as morally better in some manner. 'Aer-ki Jyr' has Star Force damn their allies as dishonorable for removing the heart of the Nestafar empire and infrastructure by orbital bombardment. Conveniently ignoring Star Forces own such actions against the Cajdital by saying they always 'try' to offer the option to surrender or open diplomatic conversations. This despite spending the last book explaining how the Cajdital would, as a race and empire, allow for no Race other than their own to exist.
I had until this last book enjoyed his writing despite the naive misunderstanding of military and human nature in general, or his vegan and liberal leanings. However, I cannot stomach hypocrisy masquerading as morality. Star Force, as lead by the Archons and Trailblazers, has already said and shown they are willing to let those they are at odds with be wiped out by a third party if it benefits them and 'humanity'. That is genocide through inaction, especially when they have the ability to affect the outcome. So to damn your own allies for taking the most effective manner to end the Nestafar threat, in the face of the greater Cajdital threat, while meaning to allow the Cajdital to do the same and so remove inconvenient future threats for you... Yeah, that's the dark side calling, and the Archons have stepped up to answer it's call. Star Force are the stories of Anakin Skywalker and Jason Solo writ large, becoming the Sith with each passing decade.
I got half way through this book and finally could not continue any further.. First, let me say the writing is well done, clear and the author does a good job of connecting the storylines and parts and pieces.. No criticism at all in that regard.
However.... As I have read the previous books, I started having this problem with the story itself which is basically one man who thinks he not only knows better than everyone else, all of mankind, but also has the RIGHT to dictate HOW humanity will grow in the future. His reasoning is that he wants humanity to become better, move out of tyranny, strife, wars etc... except in doing this man and his corporation, become just that. A full on, full blown tyranny in its own right.
I have a huge problem with a corporation becoming all powerful to the point that it dictates to governments, to peoples, to the very essence of belief, what will and will not be acceptable. I.E., the 'corporation' decides that people on Earth can no longer eat meat or have the free will to choose their own lives or have the option of faith or pretty much anything else that makes us individuals and unique.
I have a problem with one man and his corporation deciding what 'I' can or cannot do in my life. And being that I am born and bred USA, it is an even bigger issue for me because there is no way in hell we would ever allow this to happen..
In this series we have a man, his corporation and his 100 archons pretty much deciding the fate of ALL MANKIND without any consultation or input from the BILLIONS of other human lives they put at risk.
This particular book for me was the final straw because now 'he' and his tyranny have decided to use their power and might to suppress and destroy the remaining individual countries that live outside his personal edicts... and that somehow this is "right" and proper for ALL mankind because he and his archons say it is so.
The series has devolved into pretty much a story about tyranny being forced on humanity all in the name of one man's morals and vision... a narcissistic and Utopian insanity that as the series moves on, just grows and grows without regard to what the 'people' think or actually want.
There are many ridiculous edicts that are put into power in the story.. First, that a corporation thinks it can just dictate what countries can and cannot do in space, what they can and cannot have for ships and technology.. A corporation that thinks it has the right to divy up the moon and other planets as it sees fit... What a crock... Things like mankind is now forbidden to grow, raise and eat meat... Really? Get real. Humans REQUIRE meat to survive in real life. In fact, that is why so many vegetarians require supplements and have so many health problems. Other edicts like who can or cannot partake in better medical break through trechnology... and the one man and his archons decide who should or should not partake of those advances... playing God. Or the fact no one is allowed to have their own faith and beliefs now? Really? And these are only a FEW of the ridiculous edicts in the books that come forth..
If some corporation even attempted such a thing, you can bet the Earth as a whole would have something to say about it and even if this corporation has some kind of 'military' fleet, that is not going to stop the major powers on the planet from fighting to regain freedom again and get the planet out from under the thumb of one man and his mega corporation... Just not going to happen.. especially for we Americans.... History proves that.
The reason I have decided to stop reading the series is because instead of enjoying a novel series about mankind venturing into space and coming together, the series has turned into something that I am finding myself getting angry over as the author continually pushes this idea of how all is perfect and this would be a good thing for humanity.. when in reality, all this is, is full on form of tyranny just packaged differently... as they say, lipstick on a pig does not change the fact it is still a pig.
The last couple books went through the situation with another group called 'The Word' that decided themselves they did not want to adhere or abide by the edicts of this tyranny being forced upon all people, all nations and all ways of life.
So what did this corporation do? Took them out without cause, without any LEGAL or even moral right to do so. A COMPANY in business for profit, suddenly decided on its own what is and WILL BE right or wrong, moral or immoral and who shall have or have not... including who shall live and who shall die.
And in this book that I just stopped reading, this corporation has made it clear they will stop at NOTHING to FORCE ALL MANKIND or ANYONE or ANYTHING that goes against the corporations will and edicts, to bend and toe the line dictated by the tyranny of one man and his 100 archons.
That is what brought me to the decision to stop reading the series .... BUT the reason is that I would NEVER ever want to see a future for humanity like this. We all want humanity to strive to get better and someday become much more than it is .. but not under the thumb of a mega corporation and one man dictating his own version of tyranny pretending to be good.
The fact this series is not uplifting of the human spirit, does not draw a promising future for ALL mankind and is basically tyranny just packaged in a different way, is not the type of story about man's future that I can continue to read.
I do like the authors style of writing.. but for this series, the story is just not something I can stomach any longer.... I really wish I could continue... but that particular book crossed a huge line for me, both in how this man decided the fate of those who do not agree with him or his edicts and tyranny and how he then decides to take down sovereign nations and their people and how THEY desire to live. That, for me, was the final straw.
Love this series of stories. Riveting and unique. Can't wait to get started on the next book. You should read this.
Extremely detailed like the earlier books, building up the story and characters.
Star force is one of the better stories i've read in a long while. Looking forward to the rest of the box sets to catchup with the story as i've only recently come across Aer-ki Jyr after reading StargateROTA. I've also read Apex. )
Recommended to anyone who likes scifi!
hard to put down once i start reading. keep up the great work. cant wait for next one
Need a online index of all the alien races! One two three four five six seven eight nine ten too bad this isn't excel.

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