Merch Girl Rebecca Lewis Books

Merch Girl Rebecca Lewis Books
Merch Girl was like a walk down memory lane. I still clearly remember being seventeen and going to see my favourite bands each time they played. Music was such a huge part of my life. It was such a carefree time, being with friends and getting lost in the music!!Shy and quiet seventeen year old Lacey and her best friend Trina are in love with the band Lansdowne. Making their way to an invite only gig they can only hope and pray that they manage to sneak in. But by the end of the night they've not only managed that, but have met the band and been invited along on tour to sell merchandise. Is that not every seventeen year old girls fantasy? But will life on the road be everything they hope it will be?
Merch Girl was such a quick, easy and fun read. It is quite faced paced and events tend to come to fruition quite quickly. Told from the point of view of the main character Lacey we get to experience all the excitement of travelling on the road and touring with a band. Lacey has a thing for nineteen year old lead singer Logan Shire. Logan is focused on making the bands first tour a success and while his other bandmates are interested in having girlfriends, Logan lets Lacey know that he doesn't need or want the distraction. But he doesn't count on his attraction to Lacey being so strong.
Lacey was exactly how I would expect a young girl to act when facing the prospect of spending the summer with their favourite band and crush. She was giddy with excitement, tongue tied when she first met Logan, and beats herself up for saying something silly. Since she was so down to earth it was hard not to like her and get swept up in her excitement. I liked the slower progression of her relationship with Logan compared to how quickly things moved for Trina. And speaking of Trina, I had a hard time liking her. She came off as a bit snarky and rude at times. For the most part she was a good friend to Lacey though.
I loved that the author wrote Logan the way that she did. There were no temptations of the trappings of fame for him. He could be the swoony lead singer of a band with girls vying for his attention in every town but still be good, caring, considerate and loyal.
Whilst this book did feel young at times it does discuss sex, but it is all done in a way that is not too wordy and when things did get a bit hot and heavy the scene would tend to fade out, so it ended up being a really clean read.
I know that I've really enjoyed a book when I get to the last page and I have a real genuine smile on my face and I'm left feeling happy with the way things were wrapped up.

Tags : Merch Girl (9781484005514): Rebecca Lewis: Books,Rebecca Lewis,Merch Girl,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1484005511,Romance - General,Children's BooksAll Ages,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Juvenile Fiction Love & Romance,Love & Romance,Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Young Adult Fiction Romance General
Merch Girl Rebecca Lewis Books Reviews
I really liked this book. It fits right into my fun, easy read list. Oh, and it had an ending. No cliffhanger screaming fit at the end!!
The story is not too over-dramatic or overblown. The characters were likable and the friendships were great to see. The mean girl was mean, but not mean enough to want to see her run over by a tour bus. The book told a believable situation about being in the right place at the right time and running with it. I'm a sucker for these kind of stories!
This book was such a delightful trip back into my teenage years and early twenties. For anyone who was a big music lover and involved in their local music scene, you're going to find many nostalgic smiles in this book. An easy read, but an engaging one, I found myself not wanting to put it down. Just like those songs that you play on loop incessantly, this book will make you feel good. The characters are you and I, from a few years back. The characters are easy to relate to because I think most teenage girls have been in their shoes, and the storyline isn't actually all that far fetched. I agree wholeheartedly with the other reviewers - Sequel! Sequel!
I found out about this book through Twitter. The author somehow found me and followed me and a day later I got Merch Girl on my Fire. I started reading it around 11 pm on May 17th and finished it around 1230 am. As tired as I got, I needed to keep reading it. I loved the book and the main girls were relatable. Two teenage girls obsessed with a band. Most teenagers, no matter what year they were teenagers, 70's, 60's, 80's, 90's, and now can relate to LOVING a band. So they sneak into a club to see them preform. They meet the band at the club and a few days later are asked to be the Merch sellers on their first tour. Of course - THey do it. It's a cute book, more than 100 pages, less than 200 {I think} ANYWAY, I really liked it, and am eagerly awaiting Rebecca Lewis's next book(
Very cute well written book. Lacey is your average a bit insecure 17 yr old soon to be 18 yr old young woman. Logan is the 19 yr old hot up and coming lead vocal rock star.
This book is very entertaining an realistic. The struggles Lacey faces and the doubts she has about herself an her relationship with Logan are all very realistic. Trina is Lacey's best friend an she brings the drama and typical jealous snarky reactions to the crazy girl fans the band attracts. Overall this was a very good YA book.
I hope that Rebecca Lewis will be writing a second book and continue Lacey and Logans story.
I'd buy it an read it for sure!
As a Boys in a Band fangirl myself, I knew that I was going to enjoy Merch Girl. And I did. I enjoyed it so much, in fact, that I read the entire book in one sitting. This is a fun, fast-paced read about Lacey and her best friend Trina, who score the ultimate summer jobs selling merchandise for their favorite rock band. While this is a light-hearted story, there's definitely plenty of angst and drama to go around, and every time something happened, I felt myself cringing for the girls, and for Logan, Griffin, and Ryan. By the end of the story, all the characters felt like friends, and I'm honestly hoping that Rebecca Lewis will write a follow up. I'd love to find out what happens next!
Merch Girl was like a walk down memory lane. I still clearly remember being seventeen and going to see my favourite bands each time they played. Music was such a huge part of my life. It was such a carefree time, being with friends and getting lost in the music!!
Shy and quiet seventeen year old Lacey and her best friend Trina are in love with the band Lansdowne. Making their way to an invite only gig they can only hope and pray that they manage to sneak in. But by the end of the night they've not only managed that, but have met the band and been invited along on tour to sell merchandise. Is that not every seventeen year old girls fantasy? But will life on the road be everything they hope it will be?
Merch Girl was such a quick, easy and fun read. It is quite faced paced and events tend to come to fruition quite quickly. Told from the point of view of the main character Lacey we get to experience all the excitement of travelling on the road and touring with a band. Lacey has a thing for nineteen year old lead singer Logan Shire. Logan is focused on making the bands first tour a success and while his other bandmates are interested in having girlfriends, Logan lets Lacey know that he doesn't need or want the distraction. But he doesn't count on his attraction to Lacey being so strong.
Lacey was exactly how I would expect a young girl to act when facing the prospect of spending the summer with their favourite band and crush. She was giddy with excitement, tongue tied when she first met Logan, and beats herself up for saying something silly. Since she was so down to earth it was hard not to like her and get swept up in her excitement. I liked the slower progression of her relationship with Logan compared to how quickly things moved for Trina. And speaking of Trina, I had a hard time liking her. She came off as a bit snarky and rude at times. For the most part she was a good friend to Lacey though.
I loved that the author wrote Logan the way that she did. There were no temptations of the trappings of fame for him. He could be the swoony lead singer of a band with girls vying for his attention in every town but still be good, caring, considerate and loyal.
Whilst this book did feel young at times it does discuss sex, but it is all done in a way that is not too wordy and when things did get a bit hot and heavy the scene would tend to fade out, so it ended up being a really clean read.
I know that I've really enjoyed a book when I get to the last page and I have a real genuine smile on my face and I'm left feeling happy with the way things were wrapped up.

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