Writer Mama How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids Christina Katz 0035313641336 Books

Writer Mama How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids Christina Katz 0035313641336 Books
Are you a mom who dreams about starting your writing career? Do you think, "A writing career? I wouldn't even know where to begin!" Well, Writer Mama is the definitely the book for you. This book is chock-full of great information about how to become a freelance (non-fiction) writer. Christina Katz takes you from the very first step of brainstorming for writing topics all the way to pitching a book deal. She provides concrete steps, a ton of encouragement, and advice on balancing the kids and the writing.For a long time, I had toyed with the idea of freelance writing, but I just kept putting it off. There was always one thing or another to put off starting. I was pregnant. Then I had a baby. Then there's housework. Well, I just finished reading this book yesterday and I can't wait to begin writing. I feel inspired and motivated. And not in the way that other motivational books make you feel. I've read those books before. You feel great and motivated, but those feelings fall to the wayside because you don't know what to do next. In this book, Christina Katz provides concrete steps and exercises. She makes what feels daunting accessible.
I do have a couple of small criticisms.
I read the Kindle version of this book. The formatting is terrible. She has some charts and diagrams that are not reproduced well on the Kindle. If you love your Kindle, like I do, then just deal with the bad formatting. It's not bad enough to detract from the information. If you are ambivalent about the Kindle, then I suggest buying the real book version.
There are parts of this book that are outdated. For one, a website that Christina frequently references in the book no longer exists. If you type it in, you will be re-directed to a slightly different one. (Amazon won't let me include actual links.) Second, many of her suggestions about writing and organizing ideas require real pencil and paper. She hardly mentions any digital tools aside from a word processor. In my opinion, if you need to jot down notes for writing ideas, get a smartphone and get Evernote. I don't know about you, but I live in a digital world.
Notwithstanding the small criticisms, I highly recommend this book for any mother who might even remotely be thinking of freelance writing.

Tags : Writer Mama: How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids [Christina Katz] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <DIV>Children change your life, but they don't necessarily have to end your career! <P>As a mom, you want to spend as much time with your children as possible. But you'd also like to make some money doing something you enjoy. How do you get the best of both worlds? <I>Writer Mama</I> by experienced freelancer Christina Katz tells you how. You can start a stay-at-home freelance writing career tailored to fit your family and lifestyle. <P><I>Writer Mama</I> will answer all your questions about how to get started,Christina Katz,Writer Mama: How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids,Writer's Digest Books,1582974411,Authorship,Authorship.,Authorship;Vocational guidance.,Housewives as authors.,Career,Composition & Creative Writing - General,FAMILY,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS Parenting Motherhood,GENERAL,General Adult,Housewives as authors,How-toDo-it-yourself,LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES Authorship,Language,Language Arts & Disciplines,Language Arts Linguistics Literacy,Non-Fiction,Parenting - Motherhood,Reference Writing Skills,United States,Vocational guidance,Writing & editing guides
Writer Mama How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids Christina Katz 0035313641336 Books Reviews
A few days ago I received my copy of "Writer Mama How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids" and I've hardly put it down. Christina Katz provides useful and inspiring ideas to help you get published by approaching writing as a job. Something I should have thought of on my own, but didn't. And she shows you how to do it in the snippets of time culled throughout the day as you go about your other job of raising your kids.
Filled with practical step-by-step advice and encouragement, this book has me thinking about ways to move my ideas for stories off my kitchen counter and into print. I love the easy to read format, which makes it simple to refer back to any section. This also makes it easy to consult Christina's pointers on generating ideas or writing cover letters or identifying places to send pitches for my writing again and again.
And the sections on different types of articles - like fillers, how-tos, lists and essays - really expanded my list of ideas for things to send in for publication.
I expect this to become a well used reference that travels with me wherever I go.
WOW...fabulous book! Christina Katz has hit the mark.
I'm a children's/young adult writer and mother of two young daughter's. I have found this book to be a valuable resource for many topics that come your way in achieving your writing success.
This is one of the few books in my library that I have earmarked and highlighted throughout for reference and implementation and I refer to it constantly.
Writer Mamaa provides you with inspiration and guidance in your writing career in whatever genre you write for.
Ms. Katz gives you the feeling of your own private writing coach.
From Preparation and Research to Practicing your Craft, she has provided pointers and guidance that will help you, especially during the times of feeling isolated.
A must have for any writer.
Moms don't have much time to read. Author Christina Katz knows this. We carve out ten minutes here and there. That's how this book should be read in ten-minute blocks.
This book is practical. Katz inserted tons of useful ideas into each chapter, so you can read a chapter, grab your notebook or journal, and brainstorm ideas. Or you can take your kids to the library and scan magazine racks, taking notes on the magazines titles, subjects and tables of contents. Just keep one eye on your kids while you're scanning the racks, or you'll have to re-shelve twenty books. I speak from experience. )
Katz also tells moms which kinds of articles sell, and which kinds we have time to write, like tips, fillers and lists.
Buy this book. You'll learn a lot, and you'll actually have time to read it.
Writer Mama by Christina Katz is the best handbook on writing for magazines while balancing motherhood/caring for little ones. She breaks the book down into four easy segments preparation, practice, professionalism, and poise. In addition, each chapter is short, making it easy to pick up while at a kid's game or waiting for school to let out. At the end of the chapter you can expect to find an exercise that will walk you through either writing or finding the right magazine (as well as the tricky to find editor email addresses!) Katz writes in such a way that makes the subject approachable and attainable. She'll give you advice and insight, as well as give you an excuse to run to the bookstore with some coffee as a break from the kiddos )
This book was recommended to me during a course I took and was pleased to find that it lived up to it's name. I'd recommend this to writer mamas everywhere, as well as to writers who care for children and need help carving out time to write in their busy schedules. Five stars for sure!
Are you a mom who dreams about starting your writing career? Do you think, "A writing career? I wouldn't even know where to begin!" Well, Writer Mama is the definitely the book for you. This book is chock-full of great information about how to become a freelance (non-fiction) writer. Christina Katz takes you from the very first step of brainstorming for writing topics all the way to pitching a book deal. She provides concrete steps, a ton of encouragement, and advice on balancing the kids and the writing.
For a long time, I had toyed with the idea of freelance writing, but I just kept putting it off. There was always one thing or another to put off starting. I was pregnant. Then I had a baby. Then there's housework. Well, I just finished reading this book yesterday and I can't wait to begin writing. I feel inspired and motivated. And not in the way that other motivational books make you feel. I've read those books before. You feel great and motivated, but those feelings fall to the wayside because you don't know what to do next. In this book, Christina Katz provides concrete steps and exercises. She makes what feels daunting accessible.
I do have a couple of small criticisms.
I read the version of this book. The formatting is terrible. She has some charts and diagrams that are not reproduced well on the . If you love your , like I do, then just deal with the bad formatting. It's not bad enough to detract from the information. If you are ambivalent about the , then I suggest buying the real book version.
There are parts of this book that are outdated. For one, a website that Christina frequently references in the book no longer exists. If you type it in, you will be re-directed to a slightly different one. ( won't let me include actual links.) Second, many of her suggestions about writing and organizing ideas require real pencil and paper. She hardly mentions any digital tools aside from a word processor. In my opinion, if you need to jot down notes for writing ideas, get a smartphone and get Evernote. I don't know about you, but I live in a digital world.
Notwithstanding the small criticisms, I highly recommend this book for any mother who might even remotely be thinking of freelance writing.

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