Bobby Girl Bernie Morris Linda Koperski 9780956299314 Books

Bobby Girl Bernie Morris Linda Koperski 9780956299314 Books
I found this book quite entertaining. Coming of age is always an awkward time, and this was written with heart-aching realism. Well-written characters you won’t soon forget. I want to give it five stars and wish I could give more. Looking forward to more from author Bernie Morris.
Tags : Bobby's Girl [Bernie Morris Linda Koperski] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Tragic teenage romance with beneficial outcome,Bernie Morris Linda Koperski,Bobby's Girl,Bronwyn Editions,0956299318
Bobby Girl Bernie Morris Linda Koperski 9780956299314 Books Reviews
I bought this book from the author before it was on . It is so vivid in descriptions of adolescent feelings, I was almost uncomfortable. It reminded me so much of my own thoughts and behavior at that vulnerable age, I felt a little exposed.
I highly recommend this book, not only as an excellent insight into the adolescent mind, but also the observations of London citizens after the war. I was in Germany in 1957 when there were still piles of rubble to be cleared away from that terrible time. We should never forget what the aftermath of war is like.
This is one of the best books I have read in the last few years. I didn't know people still wrote like this and created stories so strong that literally took your breath away. I know I may sound cliché, but that's how I felt about this story.
Beautiful, touching, and sensitive. Even the fact that I had guessed the outcome very early did not make it less gripping and emotive. It was not about the outcome, not about the ending, but about the feelings and emotions, about the innocence and longevity of the first love.
The author just dug into my heart and touched every string inside.
Now add super, outstanding writing, and there is a book that cannot disappoint.
If this book receives the attention it deserves, I will not be surprised to see it on the shelf with classics one day.
Let me finish my review citing a short passage from the book
"Times changed and people changed, and you could never go back to the way things were and find them to be the same."
This sentence fitted so well to the mood of the book. Times were changing indeed. And life had changed, too. It would never be the same for our girl, but then nothing can be the same for any of us. Even yesterday can't be the same as today.
This book touched me to the depth of my heart. I know I will be thinking about it for a very long time.
I love coming of age books and this one is one of the best that I've read. I was gripped right from the very beginning, the love story between Jon and Kate so sweet and tender. My heart ached for them both, especially for Kate, who was trapped in a violent home, with her only protectors the Alley-Cats.
Living on the other side of the pond, I truly enjoyed the London setting of the 50's, with all of the vernacular and teen speak of London's east end. I think that while this is a YA book, it would appeal to adults as well like another coming of age book The Age of Miracles
I really thank the author, Bernie Morris, for sending me a copy. She didn't ask me to review it, but I thought that readers should know how splendid and timeless it is.
At first read of a few pages this appeared to be a sweet boy-girl romance set in the East End of a London still recovering from World War Two, but appearances are deceptive. This tale has grit and reality at its heart, and the depiction of hard times is excellent.
We see the world through the eyes of Kate Keegan, who is eleven when the tale begins. We follow her through times of exquisite love and exquisite pain as she experiences the first romance of her young life, as deep and meaningful as any adult romance. She and her friends play among the ‘bommies’ – bombed out buildings left after the war – and as she matures the reader is led into the depths of her relationships with the Alley cats gang, one of many gangs that arose in that era. There is tension between them and the Hellcats from a nearby area.
Although told from a simplistic viewpoint appropriate for a young teenager, the book displays a complexity of emotions little understood by the characters who feel them, but portrayed well by the author. An enchanting book, especially recommended for a young adult readership and for those who want to know what London was really like in those times.
Possibly inspired by a compilation album of British and American hits of the late 50s and early 60s, this is a cracking read. I’m not really one for enjoying YA books or reading about young love. I normally couldn’t care less. But I found myself caught up in the story of Kate (Kitty), Jon and Bobby, and not forgetting Adam, my favourite character in the book - hard as nails with dark, silent eyes.
Bernie Morris has managed to string together a story about East End kids coming of age and threaded it through with songs from the 50s and 60’s. In fact Chapter 1 sets the scene with, “Gene Vincent was singing ‘Be Bop a Lula’ about the time it all began …..,” and I suspect that no small measure of this tale is auto-biographical.
Morris cleverly draws us into the story as Kate’s vulnerability attracts one tough guy after another, and without throwing any spoilers in to this review I couldn’t make up my mind whether I wanted her to wait for Jon, to romance with bruiser Bobby, who truly loves her or what! Adam takes on the role of brother, but is flippant and ballsy, and even though Bobby’s sister is pregnant by him he still tries to steal a kiss every chance he gets
Add to the mix a violent street gang of rivals who have Kate in their sights, and sooner or later things are going to go dreadfully wrong for her. The reader genuinely fears for her safety and wishes she’d allow Bobby to take her under his wing.
But where’s Jon?
All in all, this is a top read and I highly recommend it.
I found this book quite entertaining. Coming of age is always an awkward time, and this was written with heart-aching realism. Well-written characters you won’t soon forget. I want to give it five stars and wish I could give more. Looking forward to more from author Bernie Morris.

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