Fang A Maximum Ride Novel Book 6 James Patterson 9780316036191 Books

Fang A Maximum Ride Novel Book 6 James Patterson 9780316036191 Books
This book of the series made me angry, sad, frustrated and a bevy of other emotions as the flock starts to split apart. The fact that they would seemingly so easily split after everything they've been through was upsetting... yet the very fact that this book brought out strong emotions, even if not all positive, shows how invested readers become in all the characters.This book introduces yet another villainous scientist with a twist of adding a new kid to the flock to causing a love triangle and has more inner flock drama than any of the previous books. Personally I enjoy more action, less soap opera type drama but still I found myself sucked into every minute of it all.
The plot is still a bit crazy and confusing thus the 4 star rating rather than the 5. I almost dropped to a 3 just out of anger for the split but you have to give credit to any book that evokes strong emotions.
Still waiting for things to start clearing up so we can see the bigger picture and how all these crazy twists and turns tie into it but I'm willing to keep reading to find out.

Tags : Fang: A Maximum Ride Novel (Book 6) [James Patterson] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Angel says that Fang will be the first to die, and Angel is never wrong. Maximum Ride is used to living desperately on the run from evil forces sabotaging her quest to save the world--but nothing has ever come as close to destroying her as this horrifying prophetic message. Fang is Max's best friend,James Patterson,Fang: A Maximum Ride Novel (Book 6),Little, Brown and Company,0316036196,JUV001000,Action & Adventure - General,Action & Adventure,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction - General,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Action & Adventure General
Fang A Maximum Ride Novel Book 6 James Patterson 9780316036191 Books Reviews
This story, I would say is like a 21 Jump Street romance book. All it needs is for Fang not to all! Fang deserves someone like Max. By the time they meet again 20 years later, he will have a girl. Max will have Dylan, and things will have changed... a lot. This is why this novel ended badly, It should've ended with the wedding, but Fang shouldn't have left. Got some words of advice Fang, only know you love her when let her go. Here's what you did, you let her go. You stupid boy, no but seriously though, he did it for a reason, if I had a long time relationship with one of my friends, I'd do the same thing. Smash that brick, BrickSmasherz
I had started this series not sure what to expect. Love James Patterson and as I read I became so engrossed in this book it only took me about 3 days to read it. James Patterson has taken this story and kept up the momentum through each and every book in this series. Anybody who wants a really good read just needs to start this series, once you start you won't want to stop!
As usual, not only shipped this book really quickly but the book was in excellent shape, everything that was posted about this book in the description was absolutely accurate.
I would and have recommended as a place to go to not only look for books but for anything else you may be searching for, things are always as described, the prices are always great and things are always shipped very quickly.
Thanks , everything that is mentioned above is the reason I come back time and time again!!
I bought this series as a gift for one of my grandson's - when he got the 1st 3 books he was very excited. I've now bought him the last 6 in series, he loves the books in about 2 days after school/homework he told me he is already almost finished reading book 2 - he got the 1st packages this past Sunday! he also said he has told his friends he has the entire series so he is envied right now in the 7th grade. I will ask him the review questions so I can give true review.
This particular book in the Maximum Ride series had its ups and downs, really more downs than ups but enough ups for me to give it four stars. It really just seemed to throw you into an emotional blender with useless, flavorless, but sometimes intriguing ingredients tossed in. Actually, I was thoroughly entertained because I like weird smoothies and absolutely loved mentally berating the characters and the author for their stupidity. Trust me, that was not sarcasm. So here's a list to describe the weird smoothie of a book (not in order of course because my memory sucks)
1. Mr. Chu turns out to be a lizard-man mutant.
This isn't even cleared up by the very end of the book as to WHY or HOW he's a lizard man, so that really just makes the reader want to rip their hair out.-A useless ingredient.
2. Popping up into the story now is ANOTHER bird kid, Dylan, who is a clone of someone else, just with wings, and is also really, really hot.
Apparently, this poor sap was made for Max. Max's Voice is telling her that he's her "perfect other half" her "soul mate" that she should forget about Fang because they "have too much history together". Wow. Just, wow. I think we all figured a love triangle was going to form at some point in the series, even though we all prayed we were wrong, but honestly, Dylan is just an irritating installment to the story.-A part of the emotional blender.
3.Erasers are back. (but for a fraction of the story)
WHY James Patterson?! WHY?! Your readers are so over Erasers, it's like bad get rid of it, but somehow you get it again...-A flavorless ingredient.
4. Dr. Hans-Gunther-Hagen...uh...
So here we have yet another brilliant but brain dead psycho scientist. Yay. His deal is stabbing people with needles, (including himself, and I sincerely enjoyed the twist) making them have super fast regenerative abilities. Oh, AND he's been Dylan's caretaker, and what would a loving psychotic scientist do for their "child"? You guessed it, experiment on them! Yay!-An intriguing ingredient.
5. Angel.
This child has really turned demonic in this book. First she kicks Max and Fang out, then SHE takes over the flock. Then she does a bunch of INCREDIBLY STUPID stuff with them, like public appearances, and of course walks them all into a trap. Max and Fang come just in time to kind of rescue them, and Max takes over again. Then the little telepathic demon turns into a traitor and goes to be WILLINGLY experimented on by Dr. Hans-Gunther-Hagen, resulting in Max almost getting captured. Afterwards, if memory serves, Fang goes after Angel as well, resulting in his death. Max and the flock come to kick some butt as a result of Angel shouting loud enough with her demon brain. Max, distraught because Fang is dead, stabs an adrenaline needle into his heart, therefore saving him.
So basically what I'm getting at is in this book, Angel's little halo is being held up by demon horns, which is the equality in my mind as the little six/seven year old bird kid being incredibly annoying.-A part of the emotional blender.
There's a whole bunch of other details and sub-plots I could berate here but if I did I'm pretty sure your brain would self destruct, and your lifeless head would then make a YouTube worthy face plant onto your laptop or desk. So, figuring that you would want to avoid that, I am going to stop writing about details and sub-plots, and leave you with some overall comments
I was thoroughly entertained with Fang, by James Patterson, though numerous times during reading I rolled my eyes, raised my eyebrows, allowed myself a sorrowful sniffle, and mentally kicked characters for their idiocy. But overall, I do believe this book deserves a four out of five stars rating. However, if you have a kindle do yourself a favor and save a buck buying the digital version.
Welcome Back James Patterson! Granted in this book we still put out our views about the world today, (this book he focuses on stem cell research) but at least this time it isn't like his past few books where that is all we focus about is global warming etc instead of the story. And what a story! We have finally started to go back to the first Maximum Ride books that the fans have loved so much. Action packed, and this one...well...I can't even start to spoil it. But I will say, it's one heck of a roller coaster ride that had me going oh no he didn't, to OMG YES!, to NOOOOOO!!!!!!. So you're in for a treat loyal fans, because it's finally coming back to the style we all knew and loved.
This book of the series made me angry, sad, frustrated and a bevy of other emotions as the flock starts to split apart. The fact that they would seemingly so easily split after everything they've been through was upsetting... yet the very fact that this book brought out strong emotions, even if not all positive, shows how invested readers become in all the characters.
This book introduces yet another villainous scientist with a twist of adding a new kid to the flock to causing a love triangle and has more inner flock drama than any of the previous books. Personally I enjoy more action, less soap opera type drama but still I found myself sucked into every minute of it all.
The plot is still a bit crazy and confusing thus the 4 star rating rather than the 5. I almost dropped to a 3 just out of anger for the split but you have to give credit to any book that evokes strong emotions.
Still waiting for things to start clearing up so we can see the bigger picture and how all these crazy twists and turns tie into it but I'm willing to keep reading to find out.

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